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Writer's pictureCinnamon Johnson

Styling Boudoir Sessions

Styling your boudoir session can a fun piece of the photoshoot experience. The more thought we put into the planning of your session, the more likely the resulting images will be what you hoped they would be. It also turns out that the more thought you put into plans that you are excited about, the more feel-good hormones you also experience, so it’s a win-win.

Sometimes when we feel insecure, we focus on potential stressors. I assure you that your photoshoot will be easier and more fun than you think it will be! Let me worry about the details. Please feel free to get excited about planning your session! This is a great opportunity to include looks that you feel really comfortable in and also to include something a little riskier. We can do multiple looks and if you don’t like one, then you don’t have to buy it. With me, you only buy images that you LOVE. You never know though, you might accidentally pull it off and look incredible in that outfit you thought you were too _____ (insert insecurity) to wear.

One thing that I have learned about styling is that less is more. Which works in a couple of ways with styling boudoir photo sessions. I think that we often overthink this part. We tend to assume that we need other things to be in the photo with us that will make the picture a beautiful picture when in reality some of the most beautiful images are some of the most simple. You’re what makes the picture beautiful, you don’t need anything. The goal is to feel excited about what you’re going to wear in your session!

I find it to be helpful to start your planning from what you love the most about yourself first. Think about what you want to see in your final images and work backward into your styling. What you want to see doesn’t even have to be physical to start with. It could be an aspect of your personality or a vibe. Even better, include a list of both physical traits you love about yourself and another list for personality\vibe you want to see in your final photographs.

Next, you can work on your styling mood board. I love Pinterest for this because they make it so easy for us to build great mood boards and to share them with collaborators. I recommend pinning everything you like to start with, even just colors or fabrics, because you’re not picking a single pin to represent the whole style for your set, but picking one tiny piece of what will become the look. It might be helpful to start at my Pinterest page, I have several inspiration boards.

After you’ve had a pinning-palooza, you can start to thin them out by filtering them with your lists of what you want to see in your images. This may be a good time to look for more specific pins as your mood board is starting to come together. After you have a good vibe going for each desired look, you can go in and add comments. This is a good place to specify exactly what about the pin it is that you like. You might like the color in one pin, but more the mood in another. This process really helps me to get a picture of your personal aesthetic. I’ll send you a questionnaire that I’ll use along with your mood board to create your images for you.

This is a great way to celebrate where you’re at or a way to open a new chapter.

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